
French Scientific Committee on Desertification

Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification
Billet Philippe - Membre du CSFD

Billet Philippe

Professor of Public Law (Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 University), Director of the Institute of Environmental Law (Lyon 3 University) (CNRS – UMR 5600 – EVS-IDE) (France).
Specialities: Environmental Law, Town Planning Law, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Main activities

• Legal research on the conservation of soil availability (principle of thrifty management, fight against erosion…), its functions and productivity, on the basis of various legal regimes (public international law, environmental law, town planning law, rural and forestry law, tax law…).

• Research on the legal regime of ecosystem services rendered by the soil, their management, and how to protect them.

(Co-)author of the following CSFD document(s)
2019 - Dossier thématique
- N° 12