French Scientific Committee on Desertification

Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification

Bibliometric analysis of publications on land and soils

Published in 2013
Auteur(s) : Escadafal Richard

Presented at the EGU, Vienna April 2013

Land and soil conservation topics, the final mandate of the United Convention to Combat desertification in drylands, have been diagnosed as still suffering from a lack of guidance. On the contrary, climate change and biodiversity issues –the other two big subjects of the Rio Conventions- seem to progress and may benefit from the advice of international panels. Arguably the weakness of policy measures and hence the application of scientific knowledge by land users and stakeholders could be the expression of an inadequate research organization and a lack of ability to channel their findings.

In order to better understand the size, breadth and depth of the scientific communities involved in providing advice to this convention and to other bodies, this study explores the corpus of international publications dealing with land and/or with soils. A database of several thousands records including a significant part of the literature published so far was targeted using the Web of Science.

The poster presents the may finding and elements of conclusion.