French Scientific Committee on Desertification

Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification

The CSFD is at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille

The CSFD is at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille

The IUCN World Conservation Congress takes place from September 3 to 11, 2021 in Marseille, France.
The CSFD, with CARI (Centre d’Actions et de Réalisations Internationales, France), will participate in several highlights of the Congress:

Jean-Luc Chotte, CSFD President, will participate at the event organized by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs “Accelerate the Implementation of the Great Green Wall Initiative” (September 6, 5:50-7:15 p.m., French Pavilion, auditorium), during the session “mobilize research to enhance the implementation of the GGW.
The CSFD will also display its latest publications concerning Biodiversity in drylands on a stand shared with the CARI (stand L21, “Landscapes” island, free entrance for all).
A fact sheet written by a collective of CSFD researchers on Biodiversity and land degradation – A mutual combat for sustainable development in dryland areas. This position paper presents the biodiversity of drylands – which is important and yet little known and neglected -, the place of combating land degradation at the crossroads of the fight against global warming and biodiversity erosion, as well as committee’s recommendations in favor of dryland biodiversity.
A fact sheet written by CARI on the Importance of agrobiodiversity in oases, a traditional agricultural system adapted to these arid regions but threatened with extinction. CSFD and CARI propose recommendations for its preservation.
A fact sheet on the role of pastoralism on drylands’ biodiversity that highlights the relevance of this traditional activity, its complexity and its multiple relationships with biodiversity. Recommendations of the CSFD are also proposed in favor of pastoral livestock herding.

Come and visit our stand!
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