
French Scientific Committee on Desertification

Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification

COP27, a personal testimony – Jean-Luc Chotte, IRD – President of the CSFD

COP27 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held in November in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, brought its share of disappointments – no commitments were made by countries. There were some notable advances, however, with the creation of a climate loss and damage fund for vulnerable countries and the continuation, in a new format, of joint work on climate action for agriculture and food security.

Within the COP, in addition to the negotiations, many debates were held, new pavilions and themes emerged related to agriculture, food security and soil issues. Resonating with the CSFD discussions, I note the growing importance of the Great Green Wall (with 13 events, a first!), soil health (with the 4 for 1000 Initiative and the Action 4 Soil Health coalition, CA4SH), the strengthening of the link between climate and food systems (with the launch of the FAO’s Food & Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation initiative, FAST, as well as the presence of the “Food Systems” pavilion, another first!) Also noteworthy is the launch of an Alliance on Drought at the initiative of Senegal and Spain… So many elements for the CSFD’s work agenda!