Research director at the IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) working within the UMR G-EAU (Gestion de l’eau, Acteurs et Usages) on the evolution of water resources and their uses in semi-arid and Mediterranean environments under climatic and anthropic influences.
Main activities
- Identification and quantification of the physical processes redistributing water between surface and aquifers, with a particular focus on their high variability in time and space (from in situ instrumentation to distributed physical modeling); 2. Analysis of interactions between water resources and their uses, and their evolution under the influence of multiple climatic, technical and social factors;
- Reconstruction of ancient socio-hydrological dynamics by cross-referencing heterogeneous sources (hydrological, historical, environmental) and independent scientific approaches.
Key words : Water resources, Semi-arid zones, Anthropization, Socio-hydrology, Multiscale temporal dynamics, Spatiotemporal variability, Interdisciplinarity, Critical analysis
CSFD member since 2023